2. Also in the vein of what-happened-to-you-it's-only-been-three-months-since-you-left-the-country, tonight Julia and I had an alarmingly long and silent squinty-eyed staring at the ceiling thought session as we tried to determine when Thanksgiving falls each year. Please note that Thanksgiving graces the very tippity-top of my favorite holidays list.
3. Speaking of Tip Top.
I had a job interview for a clothing store today and when I arrived I discovered it was a group interview. Fu-huh-huh-huh-hun. Actually, it was kind of fun. Fun in a "welll, even if I don't get the job this was a nice little hour of social interaction to interrupt my hermit-y existence" way. Also, when we went around and introduced ourselves we had to proclaim our favorite flavor of ice cream and What It Says About Us.
Fine. Mint chocolate chip because it's cool and fun and consistently good and gosh I hope my eyes weren't rolling like they are now. I don't know, I had to come up something on the spot and coming up with somethings on the spot is not my strong suit or even my weak suit but rather my weakest suit. I'm just thankful my brain didn't shut off completely and forget every flavor of ice cream in existence.
I normally have a special reserve of hate for just such encounters but this one was surprisingly not awful. What can I say, they have good taste. My go-to group ice breaker is asking for people's favorite flavor of muffin. Although I generally do not make them pop into their cozy b.s. slippers and declare What This Says About Me because that is painful for everyone involved. Also I feel like the fact that I have a go-to ice breaker is telling of my social life but that is neither here nor there. I spent the whole time wondering what in the actual eff is "jelly tip" and why does that sound so atrocious and why oh why is it everyone's favorite flavor?
4. I went to the library to return something and walked out with three new books. I'm pretty sure Julia and I are going to discover the borrowing limit from the Wellington City Libraries, and soon. Really really soon.
4.1 As I was checking out my three fluffy novels the super sweet and chatty librarian mentioned something about being done studying and I was like "huh?" She clarified with an exuberant, "You get to read real books!!" (?? Please tell me you find this statement alarming. It was right up there with the woman at the au pair orientation--I think she was one of the defensive driving instructors but I could be mistaken, that's all a blur of jet-lag at this point--who proclaimed, "Women aren't good at folding maps, we need the men to do that." Um, what?)
4.2 I love a fluffy novel as much as the next beach-goer but have also been working my way through a stack of psychology books. Fo' fun. One semester I did a project where I basically got to design a developmental psych study about anything that struck my fancy without the restrictions that come along with actually carrying out the aforementioned study, which was basically the assignment of my dreams, and not the kind where you're being chased through a hedge maze by an evil garden gnome, don't tell me you don't have those. I digress. My study centered around children who have imaginary companions and Marjorie Taylor's work played an integral role in this hypothetical children with imaginary companions study so--
...you can imagine the way I gasped and pulled this gem off the shelf faster than you can utter "nerd alert" and raise a brow.
4.3 Upon hearing that I studied psychology, Super Sweet & Chatty had pretty much the exact same reaction as everyone other person I've encountered here with whom the topic comes up. [nervous laugh] "So are you going to analyze everything we're thinking?! hahahaaaanervouschuckle." ? ? ?
At least this response is slightly less perplexing than its "ohhh! are you reading my mind right now?!" cousin. I wish wish wish there was a modicum of hyperbole in this particular segment but I'm sorry to report that there are zero winners in this little conundrum.
I think from now on I'll resort to this:
5. Happy Halloween, friendlings! People don't really make a big deal of it in New Zealand but Julia and I are going to host a little shindig this weekend. Costumes mandatory and hopefully we'll be munching on some Reese's pb cups. A true American Halloween celebration for our Kiwi friends.
Here's an unrelated picture of a Halloween past.